Our next meeting is TUESDAY MARCH 10, 2020 at the Auraria Campus, Plaza Bldg Room M203, 955 Lawrence Way in Denver. Click here for the Map and Parking


  1. Legislative Update:  2020 is a dud.  But instead of getting frustrated, we’re getting signatures. Join our Signature Drive initiative so that we can’t be ignored and ghosted again next year. Yeah!
  2. Expungement Day –   Do you have patients with prior marijuana convictions impeding thier lives? Expungement Day  help is coming ExpungementDay-2020-Flyer
  3. Study Announcement: Heather Thompson MS PhD is leading a study on cannabis and breast milk.  Got subjects? Click here for Recruitment Info ElephantCircle-BreastMilkStudy-SubjectRecruitment-2020

We’ll have a quick MJ for MDs conference planning update, the a word from our meeting sponsor, Starbuds

Fabulous Guest Speakers:

Greg Duran and Teri Robnett from The Good Lab

CBD from Hemp and Safety – is the CBD fad creating unsafe products?

Greg and Teri will report on a troubling trend seen at thier lab: toxic sludge in CBD products created in an effort to scrub out the THC.  Seriously. People are dumping chemicals on “hot” hemp to push THC levels below .03% and thus creating potential safety hazards for our patients. See for yourself at this important meeting.


This is a FREE meeting for all members and $15 for non-members. Even if you’re a member, please Register Here so I make enough food.  We’ve been updating the security on our websites and now Eventbrite won’t embed yet so click here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ccc-march-2020-tickets-96537086023

Sorry about the extra steps!



THE VIDEO IS ONLINE from the break-out room at the Marijuana for Medical Professionals 2018 conference!  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV5E_FVJ23mWV75G0rXZEdQ

For the CME / Main Stage content, go to Http://LearnGreenFlower.com  If you attended the conference and still have not received you free viewing code, email me at mjformds@gmail.com. Business member and Plus members also get free codes.  So make sure your membership is CURRENT.  Also, if you want copies of the new CCC Medical Marijuana New Patient Success Guide – come to the meeting. We will have them there.