Excellent conference once again with an array of speakers from around the world discussing a variety of topics.
the topics covered were wide ranging.
One of the speakers presented information about cannabis and pregnancy, Dr. Laura Borgelt.
Dr. Rachael Knox spoke on cannabis and drug interactions in the body. Other issues that were discussed included cannabis in bowel diseases research study, cannabis and autism spectrum disorders, cannabis in mind body medicine, cannabis and psychiatry, and cannabis and athletes /opiate use, cannabinoids and cancer research in Israel.
There was a fine lecture regarding cannabis pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
Dr. Raphael Machoulam spoke via Skype about cannabis isolates in research and more.
Other speakers spoke on cannabis in the hospice setting and cannabis in cancer care in practice and other topics with break out sessions covering a wide range of other subject matter.
Thank you to Martha Montemayor and Sarara Corva for organizing this 3 day conference along with the sponsors, volunteers and exhibitors. Thank you to all the speakers and others that made this a premier medical cannabis learning experience.
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